Scientific Program

Session 01. 09:45 - 10:00 - Opening Session

09:45-10:00 Chairman´s Address Armando Lobato, Brazil

Session 02. 10:03 - 11:34 - Type B Aortic Dissection

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Jose Honório Palma, Brazil

Discussants: Frank J. Criado, USA & Arno von Ristow, Brazil

10:03 - 10:43 Live Case Demonstration: TEVAR for Acute Aortic Dissection with MicroPort Castor Branched Stentgraft (Live-Streaming from Fuwai Hospital, Beijing, China) Chang Shu, China

10:44 - 10:54 Length of Coverage for Acute Dissections: Is Longer Better? How to Optimize Treatment? Alan B. Lumsden, USA

10:55 - 11:05 Strategies to Obliterate the False Lumen in TBAD Ali Khoynezhad, USA

11:06 - 11:16 Treatment of Subacute or Chronic Type B Aortic Dissections With High Risk Features Rodney A. White, USA 

11:17 - 11:34 Discussion

Session 03. 11:37 - 13:07 - Complex AAA Anatomy: Challenging Neck 

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & João Gualberto Diniz, Brazil

Discussants: Giovanni Torsello, Germany & Marcelo Barbosa Mandelli, Brazil

11:37 - 11:45 Challenging Proximal Aortic Neck, Which is the First Option: BEVAR, FEVAR Chimney Grafts or Open Repair? Chang Shu, China

11:46 - 12:24 Live Case Demonstration: AAA with Severe Angulated Neck (Live-Streaming from S. Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy) Mauro Gargiulo, Italy

12:25 - 12:33 Which Iliac Side Branch Endoprosthesis is the First Option? Our Long-Term Experience Jan Brunkwall, Sweden

12:34 - 12:42 Device Registries Are Still too Concerned with the Durability of EVAR and not with the Patient Janet T. Powell, United Kingdom

12:43 - 12:51 What are the Benefits of Double Proximal Fixation for AAA Repair? Cristina Riguetti, Brazil

12:52 - 13:07 Discussion

Session 04. 13:10 - 14:41 - Telangiectasias e Reticular Veins

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Henrique Jorge Guedes Neto, Brazil

Discussants: Pedro Pablo Komlos, Brazil & Bruno de Lima Naves, Brazil

13:10 - 13:50 Live Case Demonstration : Transdermal Laser Treatment for facial Veins (Live-Streaming from CliniVasc, Florianópolis, Brazil) Marcelo F. Zanoni, Brazil

13:51 - 14:01 Thermal Ablation Techniques with Transdermal Laser and Tips to Avoid Complications Kasuo Miyake, Brazil

14:02 - 14:12 Chemical Sclerotherapy Techniques and How to Avoid Complications Eduardo Toledo de Aguiar, Brazil

14:13 - 14:23 My first Transdermal Laser: Which One Should I Buy? Marcelo Grill, Brazil

14:24 - 14:41 Discussion

14:42 - 16:00 Lunch Break

Session 05. 16:00 - 17:30 - AAA: Hot Topics

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Ricardo Aun, Brazil

Discussants: Ali F. Aburahma, USA & Carlos Peixoto, Brazil

16:00 - 16:10 Strategies for managing AAA Repair in the COVID Crisis? Janet T. Powell, United Kingdom 

16:11 - 16:51 Live Case Demonstration: EVAR with MicroPort Altura Stentgraft (Live-Streaming from Hospital 22 de Outubro, Mogi Mirim, Brazil) Guilherme Meirelles, Brazil

16:52 - 17:02 AAA in a Young, Low-Risk Patient: Endovascular or Open Repair? Jason T. Lee, USA

17:03 - 17:13 What is the Best Option for AAA with: a) Wide Proximal Neck (> 30 mm in diameter); b) Proximal Neck with Thrombus; c) Narrow Distal Aorta (<18mm); d) Wide Distal Neck (> 22 mm in Diameter)? Jan Brunkwall, Sweden

17:14 - 17:30 Discussion

Session 06. 17:33 - 19:04 - Perforating and Tributary Veins 

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Julio Peclat, Brazil

Discussants: Ana Célia Ferreira Santos, Brazil & Lucas A. Barbosa Silva, Brazil

17:33 - 17:43 Laser Assisted Total Thermal Ablation (ATTA) Daniel Amatuzi, Brazil

17:44 - 18:14 Live Case Demonstration: Laser Assisted Total Thermal Ablation (ATTA) of Tributary Veins (Part 1) (Live-Streaming from Clínica Sejas & Amatuzi, Maringá, Brazil) Daniel Amatuzi, Brazil

18:15 - 18:25 Ambulatory Phlebectomy  Lívia C. Braga de Lyra, Brazil

18:26 - 18:36 Foam Sclerotherapy for Tributary Veins Getúlio F. Câmara Nunes, Brazil

18:37 - 18:47 Live Case Demonstration : Laser Assisted Total Thermal Ablation (ATTA) of Tributary Veins (Part 2) (Live-Streaming from Clínica Sejas & Amatuzi, Maringá, Brazil) Daniel Amatuzi, Brazil

18:48 - 19:04 Discussion

Session 07. 19:07 - 20:37 -Superficial Venous Disease

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Calógero Presti, Brazil

Discussants: Ivanésio Merlo, Brazil & Maria Elisabeth Rennó de Castro Santos, Brazil

19:07 - 19:47 Live Case Demonstration: Endovenous Laser Thermal Ablation of Saphenous Vein without Perivenous Tumescent Infusion (Live-Streaming from Blanc Hospital, Porto Alegre, Brazil) Regis Angnes, Brazil

19:48 - 19:58 Update on Nonthermal Ablation for the Treatment of Varicose Veins Felipe Coelho Neto, Brazil

19:59 - 20:09 Superficial Venous Interventions in Patients with Postthrombotic Syndrome Fabio Henrique Rossi, Brazil

20:10 - 20:20 What Else would I Do for the Sake of Saphenous Ablation? Rodrigo Kikuchi, Brazil

20:21 - 20:37 Discussion

20:38 Adjournment

Session 08. 08:50 - 09:57 - Juxta and Pararenal AAA

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Guilherme Meirelles, Brazil

Discussants: R. Clement Darling III, USA & Gustavo Paludetto, Brazil

08:50 - 09:20 Live Case Demonstration: FEVAR (Live-Streaming from S. Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy) Mauro Gargiulo, Italy

09:21 - 09:29Lessons Learned 5 Years after the PERICLES Registry Publication: A Position Statement about the Current Role of Chimney Endografting Giovanni Torsello, Germany

09:30 - 09:38Advantages of Fenestrated Repositionable Stent Graft for Complex AAA Repair Edwaldo Joviliano, Brazil

09:39 – 09:47When Is Ch/EVAR Indicated and Equally Effective to F/EVAR For Juxta and Pararenal AAAs in Terms of Outcomes and Cost: Why are Opinions on Ch/EVAR so Divergent? Konstantinos P. Donas, Germany

09:48 - 09:57 Discussion

Session 09. 10:00 - 11:30 - PAOD

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Júlio Peclat, Brazil

Discussants: Giovanni Torsello, Germany & Fausto Miranda Jr., Brazil

10:00 - 10:40 Live Case Demonstration: SFA Angioplasty (Live-Streaming from Baylor St. Luke´s Medical Center, Houston, USA) Miguel Montero-Baker, USA

10:41 - 10:51 Evidence Based Treatment Algorithm for the Femoro-Popliteal Artery Marc Bosiers, Belgium

10:52 - 11:02 Paclitaxel: What is the Concern? Barry T. Katzen, USA

11:03 - 11:13 Bidirectional Approach for Complex PAD Miguel Montero-Baker, USA

11:14 - 11:30 Discussion

Session 10. 11:33 - 13:03 - Complications of AAA Endovascular Repair

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Wanderbilt Duarte Barros Neto, Brazil

Discussants: Barry T. Katzen, USA & Nilo César B. Mandelli, Brazil

11:33 - 12:13 Live Case Demonstration: Complex EVAR (Live-Streaming from Houston Methodist Hospital Houston, USA) Alan B. Lumsden, USA

12:14 - 12:24 AAA Rupture Treatment Approaches and Post-Procedure Management Jason T. Lee, USA 

12:25 - 12:35 Open Conversion for EVAR failures: When and How? Jason T. Lee, USA 

12:36 - 12:46 Meta-analysis of EVAR Outcomes in Patients with a Wide Aortic Neck: Implications for Durability Matt Thompson, USA 

12:47 - 13:03 Discussion

Session 11. 13:06 - 14:36 - Foam Sclerotherapy for Advanced Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Tips and Tricks 

Moderators: Fausto Miranda Jr., Brazil & Pedro Paulo Antonaccio, Brazil

Discussants: Marita von Rautenfeld, Brazil & Paulo Cesar Menezes Santos Filho, Brazil & Rina Porta, Brazil

13:06 - 13:46 Live Case Demonstration: Chemical Ablation with Foam for Advanced Chronic Venous Insufficency (Live-Streaming from Instituto Ruettiman, CTDV- Centro de Tratamento de Úlceras e Doenças Venosas Salvador, Brazil) Marcelo Ruettiman Liberato, Brazil & Silvana Soares, Brazil

13:47 - 13:57 Concentration Versus Volume: What Cannot be Forgotten? Walter Campos Jr., Brazil

13:58 - 14:08 Ultrasound-Guided Compression Therapy: What Must We Know? Keillyanne Barros, Brazil

14:09 - 14:19 Holistic Management of Advanced Chronic Venous Insufficiency: From Conceptual Essence to Practice Marcelo Ruettiman Liberato, Brazil

14:20 - 14:36 Discussion

14:37 - 15:00 Lunch Break

BD Symposium 1. 15:00 – 15:30 - Current Challenges for the Management of Aortoiliac and Femoropopliteal Disease

Case-Based Discussion to Improve Decision Making Jong Park, Brazil & Bruno Freitas, Brazil

BD Symposium 2. 15:30 – 16:00 High Performance Solutions for Hemodialysis Access: The Role of Endovascular Surgery

15:30 - 15:40 Optimizing AVF Survival: Practice Based on Evidence Leonardo Harduin, Brasil

15:41 - 15:50 Long-Term Vascular Accesses: Tips and Tricks of Successful Catheter Cases Marcio Filippo, Brasil

15:51 - 16:00 Discussion

Session 12. 16:03 – 17:33 - Endovenous Laser Treatment of Saphenous Veins 

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Nasser H. Mahfouz, Brazil

Discussants: Fernando Trés Silveira, Brazil & Daniel Mendes Pinto, Brazil

16:03 – 16:43Live Case Demonstration: Endovenous Laser Thermal Ablation of Saphenous Vein with Perivenous Tumescent Infusion (Live-Streaming from Vascular Prime, Macaé, Brazil) Eduardo Trindade Barbosa, Brazil

16:44 - 16:54 Guidelines for Saphenous Trunk Ablation Felipe Coelho Neto, Brazil

16:55 - 17:05 What Changes with Endovenous Laser of 1940nm? Rodrigo Gomes de Oliveira, Brazil

17:06 - 17:16 Combination Therapy with Endovenous Laser for Varicose Veins Ivanésio Merlo, Brazil

17:17 - 17:33 Discussion

Session 13. 17:36 – 19:06 - Critical Limb Ischemia 

Moderators: Armando Lobato, Brazil & Nasser H. Mahfouz, Brazil

Discussants: Ali F. Aburahma, USA & Francisco João Sahagoff Gomes, Brazil

17:36 - 18:16 Live Case Demonstration: BTK Angioplasty (Live-Streaming from Baylor St. Luke´s Medical Center, Houston, USA) Miguel Montero-Baker, USA 

18:17 - 18:27 CLTI Is A Global Epidemic; How Can a CLTI Program Decrease Its Morbidity Barry T. Katzen, USA

18:28 - 18:38 For Patients Facing Amputation with no Endo Options or Useable Vein, PTFE Tibial Bypasses are a Worthwhile Option Ralph R. Clement Darling III, USA

18:39 - 18:49 Strategies for Managing CLI in the COVID Crisis? Miguel Montero-Baker, USA

18:50 - 19:06 Discussion

19:07 - 19:12 Closing Remarks Armando Lobato, Brazil

No translation available, session in portuguese.

International Faculty

speaker img

Alan B. Lumsden


speaker img

Ali F. Aburahma


speaker img

Ali Khoynezhad


speaker img

Barry T. Katzen


speaker img

Chang Shu


speaker img

R. Clement Darling III


speaker img

Frank J. Criado


speaker img

Giovanni Torsello


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Jan Brunkwall


speaker img

Janet T. Powell

United Kingdom

speaker img

Jason T. Lee


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Marc Bosiers


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Konstantinos P. Donas


speaker img

Matt Thompson


speaker img

Mauro Gargiulo


speaker img

Miguel Montero-Baker


speaker img

Rodney A. White


National Faculty

Ana Célia Ferreira Santos Antonio Joaquim S. de Freitas Armando Lobato Arno von Ristow Bruno de Lima Naves Calógero Presti Carlos Peixoto Cristina Riguetti Daniel Amatuzi Daniel Mendes Pinto Eduardo Toledo de Aguiar Eduardo Trindade Barbosa Edwaldo Joviliano Fausto Miranda Jr. Fabio Henrique Rossi Felipe Coelho Neto Fernando Trés Silveira
Francisco João Sahagoff Gomes Getúlio F. Câmara Nunes Guilherme Meirelles Gustavo Paludetto Henrique Jorge Guedes Neto Ivanésio Merlo João Gualberto Diniz Jose Honório Palma Julio Peclat Kasuo Miyake Keillyanne Barros Lívia C. Braga de Lyra Lucas A. Barbosa Silva Luciano Amaral Domingues Marcelo Grill Marcelo Barbosa Mandelli Marcelo F. Zanoni
Marcelo Ruettiman Liberato Maria Elisabeth Rennó de Castro Santos Marita von Rautenfeld Nasser H. Mahfouz Nilo César B. Mandelli Paulo César Menezes Filho Pedro Pablo Komlos Pedro Paulo Antonaccio Regis Angnes Ricardo Aun Rina Porta Rodrigo Gomes de Oliveira Rodrigo Kikuchi Silvana Soares Walter Campos Jr. Wanderbilt Duarte Barros Neto
